I remember as a child hide and go seek was the game of all games. You know the game where you have someone count while the rest of the people find a hiding place. You remember finding that spot that was so good people gave up looking for you. You were so anxious to have the person looking for you to either not find you or was it to find you.
We still play that same game now, just in different way, we hide our emotions, our intentions, and our mistakes.
I will have something going on inside, something on my mind, or something I am feeling. I will hide it, but I will use other emotions or actions to have someone seek them out. I will try to avoid a situation where I may have to come out of my hiding place.
I will get quiet, withdrawn, one word answer (hiding), wanting someone to seek out whats wrong. Selfish!!! Unfair!!!!
Saying whats wrong sometimes makes me feel so open, so vulnerable.
Other ways we hide, anger, avoidance, drugs, alcohol, sex, lying...........wow..........SIN!!!!!!!!!!
God wants us to be exposed, open, vulnerable.....because that means we are trusting him. His will be done, Moses didn't avoid the wilderness he knew he had to go thru it in order to get to the Promise Land. He could not hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Spiritual Warfare: Belt of Truth
Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins. Eph. 6:14a
Lies--a subtle yet effective system of deep, dark deception.
Nearly every commerical gives us a glimpse into some body's idea of what happiness is all about.
The real secret to happiness isn't anywhere in prime-time entertainment, of course. the key to a fulfilled life has nothing to do with fast cars, revolving partners, or this year's fashions. Those are counterfeits with which the enemy and the flesh conspire to tempt us. The solution, the number one defense against this deception is to clothe ourselves in truth.
-To a soldier, girding up was essential. He would lift up that long robe and tuck it into his belt so that he could move freely. An unbuckled belt and a hanging robe would mean one of two things: being punished by superiors or having a severe disadvantage to his enemy. Either way, the consequences were grave. When the battle cry sounded, a soldier would lift his robe and tuck it into his belt, exposing his sword. This is also where his sword and shield were attached. The word (sword) and his shield )faith) hung from his belt (truth).
-The word truth in this passage means candor, sincerity and truthfulness. I t is rooted in the objective reality of the truth of God's Word. Here it refers to the subjective, practical application of openness and honesty in all things with God and people.
-We are accepted by Christ, we are redeemed through him, adopted into his family, and sealed with his Spirit. These things are foundational, and they have all been done for us. But putting on the belt of truth is our job. We are to train our minds to see God, ourselves, and others through the clear lens of what he says is true.
-We're honest with God, honest with ourselves, and honest with others. We're open when the Spirit of God speaks to us. We don't allow ourselves to be deceived, and we don't rationalize our sins away under the disguise of ignorance, relativity, or blame.
-Our first piece of armor is a direct defense against the enemy's number one tactic. Do you recall from Genesis 3 what his first attack was/ Deception. Satan was the crafty serpent, dressing up his lies to make them appealing and then whispering them into Eve's ear. Satan takes truth and twists it, making sin look appealing.
-We can go to church on Sunday's, read the word in the morning, pray our daily prayers, and still unconsciously let the media so infiltrate our thinking that we raise our kids just about the same way the world raises their kids and handle our money the same way the world does.
When we are deceived, we are deceived. We think we are right on target. we are convinced we are doing the right thing for the right reasons and with the right motives. Eve didn't bite the forbidden fruit while thinking to herself, This is really going to be bad news.
Satan's first attack was deception, and humanity's first response after sin was hiding, denial, and blame shifting. that hasn't changed much either has it? We are very creative blame shifters. We attribute our sinful reactions to difficult circumstances, a depressed economy, an unfaithful spouse, or anything or anyone other than ourselves.
The remedy is the belt of truth.
You don't just put on the belt of truth in a quiet time some morning or with a quick prayer in the car. It's a process. It comes through long, significant seasons of being with God, not out of duty but out of longing to hear his voice. it comes when we stop that uncomfortable lack of peace, that disquieting voice in the back of our minds, and refuse to cover it up. Our tendency is to put on a movie or turn on some music whenever we're alone because God's voice is easier to ignore that way. We don't like to hear it because we're being deceived.
Lies--a subtle yet effective system of deep, dark deception.
Nearly every commerical gives us a glimpse into some body's idea of what happiness is all about.
The real secret to happiness isn't anywhere in prime-time entertainment, of course. the key to a fulfilled life has nothing to do with fast cars, revolving partners, or this year's fashions. Those are counterfeits with which the enemy and the flesh conspire to tempt us. The solution, the number one defense against this deception is to clothe ourselves in truth.
-To a soldier, girding up was essential. He would lift up that long robe and tuck it into his belt so that he could move freely. An unbuckled belt and a hanging robe would mean one of two things: being punished by superiors or having a severe disadvantage to his enemy. Either way, the consequences were grave. When the battle cry sounded, a soldier would lift his robe and tuck it into his belt, exposing his sword. This is also where his sword and shield were attached. The word (sword) and his shield )faith) hung from his belt (truth).
-The word truth in this passage means candor, sincerity and truthfulness. I t is rooted in the objective reality of the truth of God's Word. Here it refers to the subjective, practical application of openness and honesty in all things with God and people.
-We are accepted by Christ, we are redeemed through him, adopted into his family, and sealed with his Spirit. These things are foundational, and they have all been done for us. But putting on the belt of truth is our job. We are to train our minds to see God, ourselves, and others through the clear lens of what he says is true.
-We're honest with God, honest with ourselves, and honest with others. We're open when the Spirit of God speaks to us. We don't allow ourselves to be deceived, and we don't rationalize our sins away under the disguise of ignorance, relativity, or blame.
-Our first piece of armor is a direct defense against the enemy's number one tactic. Do you recall from Genesis 3 what his first attack was/ Deception. Satan was the crafty serpent, dressing up his lies to make them appealing and then whispering them into Eve's ear. Satan takes truth and twists it, making sin look appealing.
-We can go to church on Sunday's, read the word in the morning, pray our daily prayers, and still unconsciously let the media so infiltrate our thinking that we raise our kids just about the same way the world raises their kids and handle our money the same way the world does.
When we are deceived, we are deceived. We think we are right on target. we are convinced we are doing the right thing for the right reasons and with the right motives. Eve didn't bite the forbidden fruit while thinking to herself, This is really going to be bad news.
Satan's first attack was deception, and humanity's first response after sin was hiding, denial, and blame shifting. that hasn't changed much either has it? We are very creative blame shifters. We attribute our sinful reactions to difficult circumstances, a depressed economy, an unfaithful spouse, or anything or anyone other than ourselves.
The remedy is the belt of truth.
You don't just put on the belt of truth in a quiet time some morning or with a quick prayer in the car. It's a process. It comes through long, significant seasons of being with God, not out of duty but out of longing to hear his voice. it comes when we stop that uncomfortable lack of peace, that disquieting voice in the back of our minds, and refuse to cover it up. Our tendency is to put on a movie or turn on some music whenever we're alone because God's voice is easier to ignore that way. We don't like to hear it because we're being deceived.
Dear Mommy
Dear Mommy
Oh How I miss you. Today was a hard day. Just wanted to hear your voice today. I have days where all I want is to hear you say is it will be all right just hold on. My wife told me that I should write you a letter and tell you how I feel, I have done it I have written pages and pages to you. I have had journals written out to you. Mommy I am tired, tired of feeling like my past is chasing me. I have tried to shake it, I have tried to avoid, I thought I buried it. I tried to wash it away with alcohol, relationships, work and even God. Now I am embracing it. I am sure that's what you would want me to do. Some days I think about what you had to endure. I think of the pain. I know you were in pain. I remember you being scared, but trying so hard not to show it. It was our secret, me wiping away the tears. I was your little man. How it made you feel, knowing what your sons were doing out there to provide and survive. I know you did not condone it but you understood. I wasn't the only one out there fighting for our family. All of your sons played a role. All of your boys endured hardship because of the love they had for you. I just wanted you to be proud of me. I was at work tonight and I just felt so overwhelmed. I have always felt like I have had the world on my shoulders and I didn't want to share that, I didn't want to be a burden, I couldn't show the weakness. Alot of people tried to get in, I just would not let them in, when I didn't they couldn't understand and it destroyed relationships all kinds of relationships. Then along comes Tam, from the very beginning she reminded me of you. She was there no matter what, she is a soldier. Her resilience, her tenderness, her sensitivity, her stubbornness, and her ability to make a way out of no way. You would like her. Ain't no walking over her. She is someone I can be me with. Its still a struggle for me to do it sometimes. I have had many relationships with woman because I wanted to save them. Was it them I was trying to save or was it you? I was used to make that ultimate sacrifice for woman , being that no matter what man. I always got short changed in the end. No more.
I am a preacher now. Who would have knew huh? You always said do something you enjoy and help as many people as you can along the way. I love it Mom. I was built to do this, I was taken thru the refining fire for this. There hasn't been a time yet where I haven't gotten prepared to deliver the word and looked to the first empty seats I see and just picture you and Daddy there, praising and worshipping with your son.
Oh How I miss you Mommy. I still can't listen to certain songs without feeling low afterwards. I look in the mirror and I see Daddy. I have to stop and say you look just like your Father. He taught me so much Mommy. I mean he had some major flaws. But he instilled in me a value system, and a old school flavor, like making sure the female walks on the inside of the sidewalk. I had times as I grew older that depression had such a hold on me.......Whew. I didn't know what to call it or to even try to label it. I was just sticking to myself. The holidays used to wear me out I would put on my best mask and grin and bear it. Not anymore now I can make it. Victory.
If you could see your Grandkids, they are something else. You can just see the anointing on their lives. God has a awesome purpose for them. D is one of the best athletes I have ever seen. Chantelle is so much fun, she has adapted so well far better then I expected her, she got some strength more then she knows. She represents Bernadette very well. D'Asia is the glue, Mommy she is what holds everything together, she is my right hand. You got some good Grandkids.
Aunt Pam was so clutch to take me in like she did. She was very patience with me, never treated like a outsider. From what I know about ya'll's relationship it was rocky at best. I remember you receiving a letter from her while we lived in Philly not sure what it said I just remember tears in your eyes. Mommy she loves you and misses you also.
You know Gordy can't mention your name without the tears. Will always defend you.
Mark is still Mark. Just as stubborn as he wants to be. That's my big brother right there. I used to worship the ground Mark walk on, I would wear his clothes to school, Try to go where he went no matter where it may be. I just wanted to be around him. He helped me out alot, Mommy.
Oh my sisters!!!!! My sisters they my world right there. I am so proud of them, sometimes I just call them and tell them how wonderful they are just so they know. Keya is doing good Mommy. She has a awesome path in front of her, God's plan for her is so amazing she just got to keep on doing her thang. She got to pull on that strength within her, its there. I love her dearly that's my twin.
Candi, she is a mover, Keya is my twin. Candi is our right hand. She is a hard worker. She is a magnet. People are just attracted to her, they just wanted to be around her get her input and advice. She makes things happen.
Baby Sis Em, you know she treats me like I am her Dad. I am very proud of her she found herself in a situation where she made a huge mistake, but Mommy she stood there and took responsibility. I worry about her the most, just because she is the baby. She looks just like you.
Mommy I know every question will not be answer, and that's fine. Not looking for all that. I want the Elmwood Garden days back. Restoration.
Tell Daddy I said I love him. Tell Chad I will see him soon and he is not forgotten. We going to look out for TT.
Love you Mommy I will talk to you soon.
With Tears and a Smile Good Night.
Oh How I miss you. Today was a hard day. Just wanted to hear your voice today. I have days where all I want is to hear you say is it will be all right just hold on. My wife told me that I should write you a letter and tell you how I feel, I have done it I have written pages and pages to you. I have had journals written out to you. Mommy I am tired, tired of feeling like my past is chasing me. I have tried to shake it, I have tried to avoid, I thought I buried it. I tried to wash it away with alcohol, relationships, work and even God. Now I am embracing it. I am sure that's what you would want me to do. Some days I think about what you had to endure. I think of the pain. I know you were in pain. I remember you being scared, but trying so hard not to show it. It was our secret, me wiping away the tears. I was your little man. How it made you feel, knowing what your sons were doing out there to provide and survive. I know you did not condone it but you understood. I wasn't the only one out there fighting for our family. All of your sons played a role. All of your boys endured hardship because of the love they had for you. I just wanted you to be proud of me. I was at work tonight and I just felt so overwhelmed. I have always felt like I have had the world on my shoulders and I didn't want to share that, I didn't want to be a burden, I couldn't show the weakness. Alot of people tried to get in, I just would not let them in, when I didn't they couldn't understand and it destroyed relationships all kinds of relationships. Then along comes Tam, from the very beginning she reminded me of you. She was there no matter what, she is a soldier. Her resilience, her tenderness, her sensitivity, her stubbornness, and her ability to make a way out of no way. You would like her. Ain't no walking over her. She is someone I can be me with. Its still a struggle for me to do it sometimes. I have had many relationships with woman because I wanted to save them. Was it them I was trying to save or was it you? I was used to make that ultimate sacrifice for woman , being that no matter what man. I always got short changed in the end. No more.
I am a preacher now. Who would have knew huh? You always said do something you enjoy and help as many people as you can along the way. I love it Mom. I was built to do this, I was taken thru the refining fire for this. There hasn't been a time yet where I haven't gotten prepared to deliver the word and looked to the first empty seats I see and just picture you and Daddy there, praising and worshipping with your son.
Oh How I miss you Mommy. I still can't listen to certain songs without feeling low afterwards. I look in the mirror and I see Daddy. I have to stop and say you look just like your Father. He taught me so much Mommy. I mean he had some major flaws. But he instilled in me a value system, and a old school flavor, like making sure the female walks on the inside of the sidewalk. I had times as I grew older that depression had such a hold on me.......Whew. I didn't know what to call it or to even try to label it. I was just sticking to myself. The holidays used to wear me out I would put on my best mask and grin and bear it. Not anymore now I can make it. Victory.
If you could see your Grandkids, they are something else. You can just see the anointing on their lives. God has a awesome purpose for them. D is one of the best athletes I have ever seen. Chantelle is so much fun, she has adapted so well far better then I expected her, she got some strength more then she knows. She represents Bernadette very well. D'Asia is the glue, Mommy she is what holds everything together, she is my right hand. You got some good Grandkids.
Aunt Pam was so clutch to take me in like she did. She was very patience with me, never treated like a outsider. From what I know about ya'll's relationship it was rocky at best. I remember you receiving a letter from her while we lived in Philly not sure what it said I just remember tears in your eyes. Mommy she loves you and misses you also.
You know Gordy can't mention your name without the tears. Will always defend you.
Mark is still Mark. Just as stubborn as he wants to be. That's my big brother right there. I used to worship the ground Mark walk on, I would wear his clothes to school, Try to go where he went no matter where it may be. I just wanted to be around him. He helped me out alot, Mommy.
Oh my sisters!!!!! My sisters they my world right there. I am so proud of them, sometimes I just call them and tell them how wonderful they are just so they know. Keya is doing good Mommy. She has a awesome path in front of her, God's plan for her is so amazing she just got to keep on doing her thang. She got to pull on that strength within her, its there. I love her dearly that's my twin.
Candi, she is a mover, Keya is my twin. Candi is our right hand. She is a hard worker. She is a magnet. People are just attracted to her, they just wanted to be around her get her input and advice. She makes things happen.
Baby Sis Em, you know she treats me like I am her Dad. I am very proud of her she found herself in a situation where she made a huge mistake, but Mommy she stood there and took responsibility. I worry about her the most, just because she is the baby. She looks just like you.
Mommy I know every question will not be answer, and that's fine. Not looking for all that. I want the Elmwood Garden days back. Restoration.
Tell Daddy I said I love him. Tell Chad I will see him soon and he is not forgotten. We going to look out for TT.
Love you Mommy I will talk to you soon.
With Tears and a Smile Good Night.
Monday, December 18, 2006
My Family
I love you all so very much. This blog was designed for restoration and healing. There have been somethings that many of you are having a hard time understanding, dealing with or wanting to deal with. This blog has confirmed many of my fears and my hurts. Communication. See there has been a major breakdown. It amazes me, how we still allow this to take place. I know this is painful for many of us to address, just for a moment think about what the others maybe feeling or how I had to deal with and have to deal with these things. I will not be whole until I am completely healed from my past. I am not healed folks, I still struggle with my past everyday in some sort of way. I am under constant attack from the enemy, he does not want me doing this blog. He does not want to see our family restored. Lord, knows he does not want to see families restore at all. Think just for a moment if he can destroy the family what comes next? The church.
I will state somethings that are hard for us to deal with, divided we fall united we stand.
Just for a moment think of how many family members you don't talk to, or haven't talked to and you have absolutely no idea why. You love them but you haven't. Are we to continue to be bound?
I love my Mom and Dad. Not in the past tense....I love them now!!!! Right Now!!!! Have I forgiven them? I don't know. Some days I do, Some days I don't. Got to be real, for a minute. Please don't give me the addiction thing. Nothing anyone can tell me about heroin, not one thing about addiction.
My parents have left a legacy full of questions. The answers are out there. Do you want them?
I would love for everyone to respond to this blog, Lord knows I would. Ask question, state your concerns. Put your fears, your worries. your wants, your past, your today, and your tomorrow out there. Of you don't or you won't just receive this for what it is, necessary. I love you all continue to pray for me as I pray for you.
I will state somethings that are hard for us to deal with, divided we fall united we stand.
Just for a moment think of how many family members you don't talk to, or haven't talked to and you have absolutely no idea why. You love them but you haven't. Are we to continue to be bound?
I love my Mom and Dad. Not in the past tense....I love them now!!!! Right Now!!!! Have I forgiven them? I don't know. Some days I do, Some days I don't. Got to be real, for a minute. Please don't give me the addiction thing. Nothing anyone can tell me about heroin, not one thing about addiction.
My parents have left a legacy full of questions. The answers are out there. Do you want them?
I would love for everyone to respond to this blog, Lord knows I would. Ask question, state your concerns. Put your fears, your worries. your wants, your past, your today, and your tomorrow out there. Of you don't or you won't just receive this for what it is, necessary. I love you all continue to pray for me as I pray for you.
There was a time where I thought i was the hottest artist around. I would look at comic books, and say I could do a better job at drawing Superman. Or i could make Wolverine's claws sharper. I could do it all.Now I don't think i am so hot. I don't have a deep desire to do something that I really loved. I mean really loved. I don't have alot of idea's anymore. I try to think of things to draw, maybe a tiger, or make a new hero, my own strip (which I did), or a mural of Jesus. I would want to draw something for everyone, or something that we all know or have deal with.......what could it be?
SIN. How do I draw a picture of sin, do I draw a picture of murder? How about adultery? How about fornication? Or maybe a picture of the world. Maybe a picture of you? Maybe a picture of ME?
Thank you God for the eraser of sin!!!!!! If you can't stop drawing sin, you need to have a talk with the eraser.
SIN. How do I draw a picture of sin, do I draw a picture of murder? How about adultery? How about fornication? Or maybe a picture of the world. Maybe a picture of you? Maybe a picture of ME?
Thank you God for the eraser of sin!!!!!! If you can't stop drawing sin, you need to have a talk with the eraser.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
The Invisible War (preface)
We need to get to the point where we recognize the attacks of the enemy. Spiritual Warfare is real. I will be sharing different teachings in order for us to strengthen not only ourselves but those around us.Pray for me as I pray for you.
Ephesians 6:10-12
10In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].
11Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
13Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].
The invisible war, invisible does not mean that its not there it means you can not see it with your physical eye.
Five Basic Truths about Spiritual Warfare
1.The invisible world is just as real as the visible world, and both Old and New Testament refer to it often.
A. 2 Kings 6:15-19: Elisha, surrounded by a hostile army, tells his servant that invisible hosts are protecting them.
B. Daniel 10: An angel reveals to Daniel the battle he has been waging.
C. Ephesians 6:12: One of many refences by Paul to a conflict that is not of the flesh.
2. We are involved in an invisible war.
This cosmic conflict has eternal implications; lives are at stake . The enemy's strategies affect us every day. When was the last time you honestly considered that some struggle or relational conflict was rooted in satanic opposition?
A. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
B. 2 Corinthians 4:4
3. Our foe is formidable
The goal of Satan is to destroy god's people and discredit the cause of Christ. He is not to be taken lightly. he is real. He was an angel, the highest of all created beings, who rebelled against God out of pride.
a. 1 Peter 5:8
b. Jude 9
c. Is Satan for real?
The authority of the Bible Gen. 3:1; 1 Chronicles 21:1; Revelation 12:9;
The testimony of Christ: Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 11:15 (Christ refers to Satan 25 times)
The reality of demons: Satan is their "prince" (Luke 11:15)
d. Who is Satan?
A created spirit: Job 1:6; Collossians 1:16
An angel: Matt 25:41; Revealation 12:7
a cherub: Ezekiel 28:14
the highest of all created beings: Ezekiel 28:14
e. Where did he come from?
created perfect: Ezekiel 28:12-13
had a heavenly estate :Jude 6
a guardian of God's glory: Ezekiel 28:14
the occasion of his sin=power and beauty: Ezekiel 28
the nature of his sin=pride: Isaiah 14:13; 1 Timothy 3:6
the cause of his sin=personal, free choice: Habakkuk 1:13; James 1:13
4. We must respect our foe but not FEAR him.
Our responsibilty is to become acutley aware of Satan's methods but not be preoccupied by them. We can become educated about his schemes by examining his names in Scriptures; all of them reveal something of his tactics. Scriptures is very clear about his agenda and his targets. But he is limited, and we have no need to fear him if we follow God's instructions in faith.
a. 2 Corinthians 2:11
b. The vital question: how can we make sure we are not ignorant of his schemes?
Satan's names reveal his tactics.
Satan attacks God's program, the church
Satan attacks God's people
Satan's power is limited
5. We do not fight for victory: WE FIGHT FROM VICTORY.
As believers in Christ, we are invincible. The Bible has given us numerous promises of victory over the power of the enemy.
a. 1 John 4:4
b. 1 John 5:4-5
c. Revelation 12:11
d. James 4:7
Ephesians 6:10-12
10In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].
11Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies and the deceits of the devil.
12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
13Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place].
The invisible war, invisible does not mean that its not there it means you can not see it with your physical eye.
Five Basic Truths about Spiritual Warfare
1.The invisible world is just as real as the visible world, and both Old and New Testament refer to it often.
A. 2 Kings 6:15-19: Elisha, surrounded by a hostile army, tells his servant that invisible hosts are protecting them.
B. Daniel 10: An angel reveals to Daniel the battle he has been waging.
C. Ephesians 6:12: One of many refences by Paul to a conflict that is not of the flesh.
2. We are involved in an invisible war.
This cosmic conflict has eternal implications; lives are at stake . The enemy's strategies affect us every day. When was the last time you honestly considered that some struggle or relational conflict was rooted in satanic opposition?
A. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
B. 2 Corinthians 4:4
3. Our foe is formidable
The goal of Satan is to destroy god's people and discredit the cause of Christ. He is not to be taken lightly. he is real. He was an angel, the highest of all created beings, who rebelled against God out of pride.
a. 1 Peter 5:8
b. Jude 9
c. Is Satan for real?
The authority of the Bible Gen. 3:1; 1 Chronicles 21:1; Revelation 12:9;
The testimony of Christ: Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 11:15 (Christ refers to Satan 25 times)
The reality of demons: Satan is their "prince" (Luke 11:15)
d. Who is Satan?
A created spirit: Job 1:6; Collossians 1:16
An angel: Matt 25:41; Revealation 12:7
a cherub: Ezekiel 28:14
the highest of all created beings: Ezekiel 28:14
e. Where did he come from?
created perfect: Ezekiel 28:12-13
had a heavenly estate :Jude 6
a guardian of God's glory: Ezekiel 28:14
the occasion of his sin=power and beauty: Ezekiel 28
the nature of his sin=pride: Isaiah 14:13; 1 Timothy 3:6
the cause of his sin=personal, free choice: Habakkuk 1:13; James 1:13
4. We must respect our foe but not FEAR him.
Our responsibilty is to become acutley aware of Satan's methods but not be preoccupied by them. We can become educated about his schemes by examining his names in Scriptures; all of them reveal something of his tactics. Scriptures is very clear about his agenda and his targets. But he is limited, and we have no need to fear him if we follow God's instructions in faith.
a. 2 Corinthians 2:11
b. The vital question: how can we make sure we are not ignorant of his schemes?
Satan's names reveal his tactics.
Satan attacks God's program, the church
Satan attacks God's people
Satan's power is limited
5. We do not fight for victory: WE FIGHT FROM VICTORY.
As believers in Christ, we are invincible. The Bible has given us numerous promises of victory over the power of the enemy.
a. 1 John 4:4
b. 1 John 5:4-5
c. Revelation 12:11
d. James 4:7
I am going to do a little Jadakiss Why every now and then, I would like everyone to be involved. These are serious questions. It will take some self examination (2 Corinthians 13:5).
Why is it easier to forgive someone outside of your family then it is to forgive someone inside your family?
Matt 6:14
For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Why is it easier to forgive someone outside of your family then it is to forgive someone inside your family?
Matt 6:14
For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I stumble across this I believe it is very true!!!!!!
There are three things that drive us from childhood--unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. These things do send up powerful drives that demand some kind of answers and release. We end up building strongholds, acquiring physical possessions, developing wrong relationships, moving into wrong life styles, adopting wrong attitudes, building personality facades that are not true, all in an attempt to cope with the force of these inner drives. The only true release we will ever get from them is by loosing, stripping, and severing (using the binding and loosing prayers) our souls' holds upon all of our wrong beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and deception about these inner drives. This voluntarily clears a way for God to get to our previously layered-over, formerly self-protected unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. He is the only one who can meet such deep needs, heal such powerful hurts, and answer the tough questions.
God will not break apart our self-defense systems, smashing and crashing into our secret (we think) hiding places to fix us. He asks us to voluntarily take down self-defense systems (ineffective as they are) and voluntarily expose our innermost wounds and needs to Him for healing and answers. We all need to recognize our need to trust God enough to get rid of all our self-protective, coping mechanisms and just stand before Him in complete vulnerability. We need to search and research the written Word that we might learn to have faith that He loves us and will do what is best for us. The word faith in the original Hebrew and Greek usually is described as trust and confidence in the goodness of God towards us. I believe that His goodness extends to every person who becomes a Christian.
There are three things that drive us from childhood--unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. These things do send up powerful drives that demand some kind of answers and release. We end up building strongholds, acquiring physical possessions, developing wrong relationships, moving into wrong life styles, adopting wrong attitudes, building personality facades that are not true, all in an attempt to cope with the force of these inner drives. The only true release we will ever get from them is by loosing, stripping, and severing (using the binding and loosing prayers) our souls' holds upon all of our wrong beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and deception about these inner drives. This voluntarily clears a way for God to get to our previously layered-over, formerly self-protected unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. He is the only one who can meet such deep needs, heal such powerful hurts, and answer the tough questions.
God will not break apart our self-defense systems, smashing and crashing into our secret (we think) hiding places to fix us. He asks us to voluntarily take down self-defense systems (ineffective as they are) and voluntarily expose our innermost wounds and needs to Him for healing and answers. We all need to recognize our need to trust God enough to get rid of all our self-protective, coping mechanisms and just stand before Him in complete vulnerability. We need to search and research the written Word that we might learn to have faith that He loves us and will do what is best for us. The word faith in the original Hebrew and Greek usually is described as trust and confidence in the goodness of God towards us. I believe that His goodness extends to every person who becomes a Christian.
The Stench of the Past
When we moved to 7th st, from where I am not sure whether it was 21st st or staying at someones house. There was a school which was in walking distance of the house. We attempted to get enrolled there yet this was during the overcrowding of the schools in Philly. So we had to be bused from that school to a school in the suburbs called Ziegler. Now this was a school which was predominantly white, so I coming from a all black environment to a environment that black didn't exist. Meaning there was no cultural diversity, when we showed up. Now we took a bus to this school, I only remember two black faces on that bus and that was mine and Keya. I say this to give a background, and only a background. We had white people coming to our house to get drugs, and we were bused to a white school. Walking into that class on that first day of school for us, was hard. It was the middle of the school year so just being the new kid in the middle of the year was strike one. Strike two was being black in a all white school. Strike three was being poor. You got a new kid, being black, and being poor.......3 strikes and we were out. There are so many stories, mostly suppressed. I want to deal with one that was extremely difficult to live and to relive.
I am the truck supervisor @ Kohl's department store. I got a crew of ten guys. 3 blacks, 3 white, and 4 mexicans. I mention race because it plays such a dynamic force in our lives not always negative. Out of my 3 black guys there are two brothers one 20yo and the other 19yo. These brothers are big one wears a 17 the other wears a 16 shoe. For the most part they are good workers, not a lot of speed but they will go where they are sent, they show up for work, well-mannered, and they listen. For the most part ideal workers. There is a problem though. They stink. They smell absolutely horrible. Hold your breath horrible. We tried to ignore it, impossible. I addressed it a couple times in a group meeting saying stuff like we all work hard and I know we sweat yet we must take care of our hygiene. I did this twice, no change. I got called in the office (something about me in the office). My boss told me that there has been some complaints, that people don't even want to come to the dock, she told me that I need to address it. I told her that I would. That's when Jesus stepped right in, I have God to help me deal with some of the wounds from my past, oh he has done this.
One day at Ziegler, I was sitting in class when the teacher in the class, began asking me questions about my home life. One of the many rules my parents had was what goes on in the house stays in the house. Me answering these questions would have been a major violation. So I didn't answer the way I should have, if i would have told this teacher what was taking place in our home things would have been different. In hindsight this was pivotal. The teacher was frustrated and it shone in his tone and his actions. He began to ridicule me, talking about my clothing and my smell. See this comes on the heels of, at my last school the teachers were trying to promote me to the next grade. Now I have this teacher telling that I stink, and that I need to bath. What do you think takes place in my already fragile psyche, Rebellion!!!!! From then on out i never gave school my all. I did this all throughout school this mentality did not stop it progressed until graduation. That's not the half while ridiculing me this teacher told me get out and he escorted me to the bathroom where he had me wash up the hand soap and those abrasive, hard, soggy when they are wet brown towels. I hate to take my clothes of in front of this man, wash my body and have him escort me back to class then minute I walk in the laughter begins. So many if my struggles lay within this one day, struggles with, authority, school, bullies, and white men. Yet I serve a mighty God, who forgives so I forgive.
There are so many things that take me back to places I have long tried to forget or suppress. A song, a color a holiday it could be anything even a smell. The brother with their awful smell, I had to address this, I had to do it such a away that they didn't feel like me, you feel me. It had to be done with care, it had to be done with love, it had to be done the way that Teacher should have done it. I struggled with this I went back and fourth on how, or if I even should address it. My boss told me that if I didn't do it they would. I don't trust them to handle it the way it needed to be handle.
After our shift last night, while everyone was trying to clock out. The time clock is placed in this little hallway. You have ten guys trying to clock out in this little hallway the smell was so bad that I almost gagged. When the left the hallway the odor stayed. So anyone who walked in after we left was slapped with funk. I had to say something, I called them into the break room and told them how wonderful a job they do, followed I need them to do me a favor and focus a little more..........their hygiene. They didn't get upset, they said they would do it, and that they understood. Look at Jesus, you got to see Jesus in all that!!!!!!
I am the truck supervisor @ Kohl's department store. I got a crew of ten guys. 3 blacks, 3 white, and 4 mexicans. I mention race because it plays such a dynamic force in our lives not always negative. Out of my 3 black guys there are two brothers one 20yo and the other 19yo. These brothers are big one wears a 17 the other wears a 16 shoe. For the most part they are good workers, not a lot of speed but they will go where they are sent, they show up for work, well-mannered, and they listen. For the most part ideal workers. There is a problem though. They stink. They smell absolutely horrible. Hold your breath horrible. We tried to ignore it, impossible. I addressed it a couple times in a group meeting saying stuff like we all work hard and I know we sweat yet we must take care of our hygiene. I did this twice, no change. I got called in the office (something about me in the office). My boss told me that there has been some complaints, that people don't even want to come to the dock, she told me that I need to address it. I told her that I would. That's when Jesus stepped right in, I have God to help me deal with some of the wounds from my past, oh he has done this.
One day at Ziegler, I was sitting in class when the teacher in the class, began asking me questions about my home life. One of the many rules my parents had was what goes on in the house stays in the house. Me answering these questions would have been a major violation. So I didn't answer the way I should have, if i would have told this teacher what was taking place in our home things would have been different. In hindsight this was pivotal. The teacher was frustrated and it shone in his tone and his actions. He began to ridicule me, talking about my clothing and my smell. See this comes on the heels of, at my last school the teachers were trying to promote me to the next grade. Now I have this teacher telling that I stink, and that I need to bath. What do you think takes place in my already fragile psyche, Rebellion!!!!! From then on out i never gave school my all. I did this all throughout school this mentality did not stop it progressed until graduation. That's not the half while ridiculing me this teacher told me get out and he escorted me to the bathroom where he had me wash up the hand soap and those abrasive, hard, soggy when they are wet brown towels. I hate to take my clothes of in front of this man, wash my body and have him escort me back to class then minute I walk in the laughter begins. So many if my struggles lay within this one day, struggles with, authority, school, bullies, and white men. Yet I serve a mighty God, who forgives so I forgive.
There are so many things that take me back to places I have long tried to forget or suppress. A song, a color a holiday it could be anything even a smell. The brother with their awful smell, I had to address this, I had to do it such a away that they didn't feel like me, you feel me. It had to be done with care, it had to be done with love, it had to be done the way that Teacher should have done it. I struggled with this I went back and fourth on how, or if I even should address it. My boss told me that if I didn't do it they would. I don't trust them to handle it the way it needed to be handle.
After our shift last night, while everyone was trying to clock out. The time clock is placed in this little hallway. You have ten guys trying to clock out in this little hallway the smell was so bad that I almost gagged. When the left the hallway the odor stayed. So anyone who walked in after we left was slapped with funk. I had to say something, I called them into the break room and told them how wonderful a job they do, followed I need them to do me a favor and focus a little more..........their hygiene. They didn't get upset, they said they would do it, and that they understood. Look at Jesus, you got to see Jesus in all that!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Double Dutch
God has a away of forcing you to take a look at certain things. Sometimes we try to leave certain things out of our lives unopened or unexamined.(Example) Lord I want you to help fight this lustful spirit, I have with looking at naked women, Lord I need you help with looking at women without clothes on because it makes me feel certain way. Lord I need you to help me with this girl or this guy because when they come around I get upset or I get mad. The problem with all this is because we don't take the time we need to look at the root of the issue, for every problem there is a beginning, for every solution there is a beginning, for every situation there is a beginning. Everything starts somewhere. In our family situation there are problems. I have been struggling in many different areas in my life, yet I did not know where the beginning of these struggles were. Or if I did know where the beginning was, did I want to go to the beginning to get the solution. Sometimes you have to go where you started in order to get the solution. My wife is a likes things to be clean, I on the other hand love organized chaos. It can be a mess yet I still know where things are, sometimes i feel if I pick it up and put it where it belongs I will forget where I put it, see I have become used to the chaos. In this chaos I feel like everything is order. When you lose something of importance, or you forget where you have put something. What you have to do is trace your steps. I came in here and put my jacket down or then I went over here.................You begin tracing your steps. What happens is to some people they don't trace their steps they stand in one spot and try to think of where they may have put these things instead of starting the search. Help me Holy Ghost!!! Why do these people stay in one spot because of experience. Stay with me on this. We all have lost somethings that needed to be found. There are times where you really need to be somewhere and you finding what you need to get you, there is something that's holding you back from you getting to where you need to go. Worry is the first emotion, you start worrying about missing your appointment, you really want to get to where your going so you start worrying. Then you start wondering if there is any other way of getting to where you need to go without doing a search. Oh maybe if I do this or do that, or maybe give this a try it can replace what I need to get there until I find what I am searching for when I search for it later. The big one is pain, this one comes in many different types of pain, depending on what you are searching for or more importantly where you are going. The more important it is the more pain.
Lets flip It!!!!!! (catch phrase)
There is a certain level of searching inside and outside to find what your looking for, you may have to dig thru some stuff, you might have to move some stuff, it always comes done to onething, you must start at the very beginning and walk thru where you been in order to find what you are searching for, that means you have to go thru the whole process. You might have to look in areas where you feel like it can't be in here. You may have to challenge some folk, you may have to challenge yourself, you may lose some people(everybody who starts with you may not be the ones who are suppose to go to war with you ask Gideon). Oh Jesus what you will gain will be such joy. Such a relief that all you can do is shout. Oh you are not searching alone. Have ever seen the people who are looking for something, yet they don't tell you what they are looking for but you can see them going thru the many layers of emotions. It reminds of watching the girls playing double dutch, now some of those girls could turn that rope so fast that you had to make sure where you jumped the girls would do the little dance getting ready back and fourth, back and fourth, because they didn't want that hard rope hit them in the face. That what it feels like watching someone looking for something, you have to becareful where you jump in, or you may get hit in the face. Then you ask them what they are searching for, most time you don't know where it is, but what happens is you get up and now there are two starting at the beginning looking so the odds are in your favor. The more you have looking the higher the odds of you finding it. There are those time where you ask people to help find what your looking for and they say I haven't seen it and keep doing what thier doing, oh how I love those people who say I seen what your looking for and its right here. Thank you Jesus!!!!!
I want to be one of those people who either help look or say it right here!!!! What about you!!!!!
Continue to pray for are families and friends. God Bless you and God Keep you.
Lets flip It!!!!!! (catch phrase)
There is a certain level of searching inside and outside to find what your looking for, you may have to dig thru some stuff, you might have to move some stuff, it always comes done to onething, you must start at the very beginning and walk thru where you been in order to find what you are searching for, that means you have to go thru the whole process. You might have to look in areas where you feel like it can't be in here. You may have to challenge some folk, you may have to challenge yourself, you may lose some people(everybody who starts with you may not be the ones who are suppose to go to war with you ask Gideon). Oh Jesus what you will gain will be such joy. Such a relief that all you can do is shout. Oh you are not searching alone. Have ever seen the people who are looking for something, yet they don't tell you what they are looking for but you can see them going thru the many layers of emotions. It reminds of watching the girls playing double dutch, now some of those girls could turn that rope so fast that you had to make sure where you jumped the girls would do the little dance getting ready back and fourth, back and fourth, because they didn't want that hard rope hit them in the face. That what it feels like watching someone looking for something, you have to becareful where you jump in, or you may get hit in the face. Then you ask them what they are searching for, most time you don't know where it is, but what happens is you get up and now there are two starting at the beginning looking so the odds are in your favor. The more you have looking the higher the odds of you finding it. There are those time where you ask people to help find what your looking for and they say I haven't seen it and keep doing what thier doing, oh how I love those people who say I seen what your looking for and its right here. Thank you Jesus!!!!!
I want to be one of those people who either help look or say it right here!!!! What about you!!!!!
Continue to pray for are families and friends. God Bless you and God Keep you.
Devotional Keya Hunt
Redemption By Blood
One of the many names of God is Jehovah Mekaddishkem, which means the â€Å“Lord Our Sanctifierâ€. The word sanctify means â€Å“to make holy; set apart as sacred, to purify or free from sinâ€. When I began to ponder on this one aspect of God, I found it most riveting that God would use blood as a means of purification. Not even the first covenant that God put in effect with Moses was done without blood (Exodus 24:8, Hebrews 9:18). Under the new covenant, the blood of animals would never suffice; it would take the blood of a sinless Lamb (Christ) to atone for the sins of man.
Animal blood was used to symbolize an outward cleanliness; while the blood of Christ represented an inward cleansing of everything that would give man eternal separation from the Father (Hebrews 9:14). You have been redeemed! Purchased for a price-the blood of Jesus Christ. God’s moral law says, â€Å“without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness†(Hebrews 9:22). Christ died so you may live and live life to the fullest (John 10:10). Because of the blood shed by Jesus on Calvary, you can obtain hope, glory, peace, deliverance, healing, joy, salvation and the gift of eternal life.
It is my prayer that you would allow the blood to purify you from all sin (I John 1:7). Claim your blessing, as a believer you are made free by the blood that came streaming down (Revelation 1:5). Let His blood be your covering, for the promise of 2000 years ago still stands.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise (Revelation 5:12 NIV)
One of the many names of God is Jehovah Mekaddishkem, which means the â€Å“Lord Our Sanctifierâ€. The word sanctify means â€Å“to make holy; set apart as sacred, to purify or free from sinâ€. When I began to ponder on this one aspect of God, I found it most riveting that God would use blood as a means of purification. Not even the first covenant that God put in effect with Moses was done without blood (Exodus 24:8, Hebrews 9:18). Under the new covenant, the blood of animals would never suffice; it would take the blood of a sinless Lamb (Christ) to atone for the sins of man.
Animal blood was used to symbolize an outward cleanliness; while the blood of Christ represented an inward cleansing of everything that would give man eternal separation from the Father (Hebrews 9:14). You have been redeemed! Purchased for a price-the blood of Jesus Christ. God’s moral law says, â€Å“without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness†(Hebrews 9:22). Christ died so you may live and live life to the fullest (John 10:10). Because of the blood shed by Jesus on Calvary, you can obtain hope, glory, peace, deliverance, healing, joy, salvation and the gift of eternal life.
It is my prayer that you would allow the blood to purify you from all sin (I John 1:7). Claim your blessing, as a believer you are made free by the blood that came streaming down (Revelation 1:5). Let His blood be your covering, for the promise of 2000 years ago still stands.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise (Revelation 5:12 NIV)
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Me and the Wifey
He's Able!!!!
I am sitting here rejoicing and thanking Jesus!!!!!!! I got to share with you all what has taken place today!!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!! I was having a a conversation with Candi on the phone. We were talking about myspace (I am thinking bout switching my blog over). She told me Emily has a myspace page (who doesn't...oh me) so I went and checked it out. I looked it over and saw she had some comments from someone saying hey Aunt Emily. I looked at this girls face and she looked just like her father to point where tears came to my eyes. It's Chad daughter TT!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! I sent her a message with all my info. See I know she has questions and feels like we don't care. I guess she may be right in sense of the world. I have never reached out to her,today I did. I need you to pray for restoration of our family. Just not our family but restoration of the family. See oh I feel like preachin......the enemy is trying to steal, kill, and destroy. the bible says he is looking for something to devour. OH Lord has he not been devouring our family. Has he not devoured our communication, devoured our feelings, devoured our perception!!!!!!!! He has been oppressing our family for so long, but RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS DEVIL I BIND YOU UP AS YOU TRY TO DEFEAT THE VICTORIOUS, I BIND UP THE SPIRIT UP OPPRESSION, THE SPIRIT OF ADDICTION, THE SPIRIT OF LYING, THE SPIRIT OF DECEIT, FOR THE BIBLE SAYS BIND ON EARTH AS IT WOULD BE BOUND IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!! WE CLAIM OUR FAMILY BACK IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!! I KNOW I HAVE THE VICTORY. i AM LOOKING SQUARE IN THE EYE DEVIL AND TELLING YOU I WANT IT ALL BACK EVERYTHING YOU TOOK FROM ME, I WANT IT ALL BACK!!!!! TAKE IT BY FORCE!!!!!! MY JOY, MY PEACE, MY HOPES, MY DREAMS !!!!! YOU MAY HAVE THOUGHT YOU WON THAT LAST ROUND, BUT ITS NOT OVER !!!!! YOU THOUGHT I STOPPED, YOU MADE ME MAD NOW!!!! I AM COMING TO GET EVERYTHING YOU STOLE!!!!!!! YOU HIT ME HARD I SHOULD BE KNOCKED OUT ,THINGS I BEEN THRU YOU CROSSED THE LINE, YOU VIOLATED ME, I WANT EVERYTHING BACK FROM A TO Z!!!!!!!!! IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!! IF YOU ONLY KNEW WHAT WE WERE GOING TO BE AFTER THE STORM YOU WOULD NOT HAVE BOTHERED ME!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 4, 2006
This past spring I attempted to do something that I have never done before, plant a garden. My wife had said how she would like to have some flowers in the front yard. She wasn't saying it to me in particular just that she wanted some, some I figured i would give it a shot. She bought all the necessary things for he garden, I was the labor (this is how it usually works out). I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I dug down in the dirt, I clear enough space and laid down the seeds and cover them with the same dirt, I put up a nice fence around it and dared anyone to walk through it. They were in the perfect spot to get sunlight all I had to do was make sure it got water and I would have some flowers for the wife in no time. I have never plant anything, I thought I did everything needed to have growth. I would water and water and water and wait and wait...yet nothing happen. All I have is a fenced in area of old dirt.
Lets flip it.....
You have answer the call of Jesus, you have salvation. You are this little area of old dirt. You figure you will give Jesus a shot. you go and buy all the tools you need to grow. You roll up your sleeves now its time to get work. You clear yourself some space, you fence yourself in away from other weeds (sinners), go to church where there is perfect Son-light, trying to make sure you get water (fed). Thinking you will be a disciple in no time. You think you have done everything to grow. Yet nothing is happens. All you are is a fenced in area of old dirt. Things don't seem to be going the way you thought, your still having problems and you can't understand why. Now God needs to grow you into a blooming beautiful garden. First thing he has to do is dig deep in to the dirt, making sure the seed (word) can be buried down deep in the soil (spirit). While he is digging and burying he is clearing away stones and pebbles (people and things) that would hinder your growth. Some of these stones are big and stubborn (what we don't want to let go) they seem a part of the dirt, but with the hands of a master surgeon he is able to remove these stones. He provides us with the Son and water (Holy Spirit) for us to grow strong and become a beautiful garden.
You have been planted, are you doing what it takes to grow. Is there more that you can be doing? Are your priorities in order? Do you have a ton of excuse why your not growing? Do you feel like you are giving your all for Jesus? Every Believer will face a day of judgement, will any of your reason be good enough for God?
Whats your garden like, does it get enough Son, Is your seed buried deep enough that it won't get tangle up in weed? Are stones and pebbles blocking your roots for digging deeper? Are you growing or are you old dirt with alittle Son?
Lets flip it.....
You have answer the call of Jesus, you have salvation. You are this little area of old dirt. You figure you will give Jesus a shot. you go and buy all the tools you need to grow. You roll up your sleeves now its time to get work. You clear yourself some space, you fence yourself in away from other weeds (sinners), go to church where there is perfect Son-light, trying to make sure you get water (fed). Thinking you will be a disciple in no time. You think you have done everything to grow. Yet nothing is happens. All you are is a fenced in area of old dirt. Things don't seem to be going the way you thought, your still having problems and you can't understand why. Now God needs to grow you into a blooming beautiful garden. First thing he has to do is dig deep in to the dirt, making sure the seed (word) can be buried down deep in the soil (spirit). While he is digging and burying he is clearing away stones and pebbles (people and things) that would hinder your growth. Some of these stones are big and stubborn (what we don't want to let go) they seem a part of the dirt, but with the hands of a master surgeon he is able to remove these stones. He provides us with the Son and water (Holy Spirit) for us to grow strong and become a beautiful garden.
You have been planted, are you doing what it takes to grow. Is there more that you can be doing? Are your priorities in order? Do you have a ton of excuse why your not growing? Do you feel like you are giving your all for Jesus? Every Believer will face a day of judgement, will any of your reason be good enough for God?
Whats your garden like, does it get enough Son, Is your seed buried deep enough that it won't get tangle up in weed? Are stones and pebbles blocking your roots for digging deeper? Are you growing or are you old dirt with alittle Son?
Devotional KH 12-04-06
Extending Grace
As a middle school teacher, I have strict policies in my classroom. One of them is that homework cannot be turned in late-ever! And while this may seem a bit harsh, there are times when I will make an exception. Most students are absolutely shocked when I do this and usually ask why? I always give them a one-word answer-grace. After this, students usually return to their seats confused but grateful nonetheless. I can only extend grace to my students because I know how wonderful it feels to be a recipient of it.
Grace is God̢۪s unmerited favor, meaning God loves you, seeks you and protects you simply because you are you! You don̢۪t have to do anything to receive it, in fact; on the contrary you could never do enough.
God is the giver of grace. (I Peter 5:10, James 1:17) When God sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of man-this was the ultimate act of grace. It is only through the grace of God that a sinful people are able to come to Christ, for Christ came from the Father full of grace. (John 1:14) Even as a child, Christ was full of grace. (Luke 2:40) Because grace came through Christ, it is now able to overflow to us. (John 1:17, Romans 5:15) Therefore, sin has no control over you because you are covered by grace. (Romans 6:15) Not only are you covered, but it is by grace that you are saved! (Ephesians 2:5)
Wanna be more like Christ? Extend grace. Let someone get in front of you in the checkout line even though you̢۪re tired. (grace) That car you̢۪ve been racing on Chestnut Street let them make the light. (grace) Give someone more time. Your child, give them the benefit of the doubt. Your spouse or loved one-forgive them.
Look in the mirror; start to see Christ in yourself. Extend grace-for Jesus freely gives it. (Ephesians 1:6)
By the way, if you find it difficult to extend grace, ask for help. â€Å“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.†(Hebrews 4:16)
Copyright 12-4-06 KH
As a middle school teacher, I have strict policies in my classroom. One of them is that homework cannot be turned in late-ever! And while this may seem a bit harsh, there are times when I will make an exception. Most students are absolutely shocked when I do this and usually ask why? I always give them a one-word answer-grace. After this, students usually return to their seats confused but grateful nonetheless. I can only extend grace to my students because I know how wonderful it feels to be a recipient of it.
Grace is God̢۪s unmerited favor, meaning God loves you, seeks you and protects you simply because you are you! You don̢۪t have to do anything to receive it, in fact; on the contrary you could never do enough.
God is the giver of grace. (I Peter 5:10, James 1:17) When God sent Jesus to die on the cross for the sins of man-this was the ultimate act of grace. It is only through the grace of God that a sinful people are able to come to Christ, for Christ came from the Father full of grace. (John 1:14) Even as a child, Christ was full of grace. (Luke 2:40) Because grace came through Christ, it is now able to overflow to us. (John 1:17, Romans 5:15) Therefore, sin has no control over you because you are covered by grace. (Romans 6:15) Not only are you covered, but it is by grace that you are saved! (Ephesians 2:5)
Wanna be more like Christ? Extend grace. Let someone get in front of you in the checkout line even though you̢۪re tired. (grace) That car you̢۪ve been racing on Chestnut Street let them make the light. (grace) Give someone more time. Your child, give them the benefit of the doubt. Your spouse or loved one-forgive them.
Look in the mirror; start to see Christ in yourself. Extend grace-for Jesus freely gives it. (Ephesians 1:6)
By the way, if you find it difficult to extend grace, ask for help. â€Å“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.†(Hebrews 4:16)
Copyright 12-4-06 KH
Walking down the street on a sunny day, Depending on where the sun is in the sky, you have a shadow. One would believe that your shadow size depends on the size of the person. Nope. What matters is that you are there, and you will have a shadow. You can't outrun it or walk away from it. It darkens things around you. If I am standing with Moochie on a corner and the sun is bright in her eyes there is a way I can position her under my shadow to protect her from the brightness of the light. Shadows have been used in movies, to give off the impression that something very large is looming and dangerous there. The killer or the monster is coming but you can only see his shadow, but you know he is coming closer because the shadow is moving forward.
Lets flip it shall we!!!!
Walking down the street on a sunny day. Depending on where the Son is in your life, you have sin. One would believe that your sin is different based on the size, color, shape of the sin. Nope. What matters is that you are man, and you will have sin. You can't outrun it or walk away from it. It darkens everything around you. If I am standing with Moochie on a corner and the Son is bright in my eyes there is a way she can position her underneath me that she will be covered by his blood. Sin has been in movies since the first movie. But the sin is coming too fast and too furious Forward!!!!!!
I said all that to say this your sins past, present and future will be with you like a shadow, UNLESS you seek not just forgiveness, but true repentance. Sin will ruin you. Sin will destroy you. It takes control of you thoughts!!!!! Now everything you think of is sinful. To the point where you don't even know the difference. It takes over your health!!!!! Don't tell me you don't see sickness and disease as a result of sin, whether directly or indirectly. We receive blessings from others can we not receive curses? It takes over you body!!!! You find yourself doing things that we know doggone well is not Christlike. Yet if you have Christ in you, when you think no one knows of the sins you commit your not by yourself there are 4 of you there. You, and the Holy Trinity.
Romans 7: 24-25
I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?
The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
Lets flip it shall we!!!!
Walking down the street on a sunny day. Depending on where the Son is in your life, you have sin. One would believe that your sin is different based on the size, color, shape of the sin. Nope. What matters is that you are man, and you will have sin. You can't outrun it or walk away from it. It darkens everything around you. If I am standing with Moochie on a corner and the Son is bright in my eyes there is a way she can position her underneath me that she will be covered by his blood. Sin has been in movies since the first movie. But the sin is coming too fast and too furious Forward!!!!!!
I said all that to say this your sins past, present and future will be with you like a shadow, UNLESS you seek not just forgiveness, but true repentance. Sin will ruin you. Sin will destroy you. It takes control of you thoughts!!!!! Now everything you think of is sinful. To the point where you don't even know the difference. It takes over your health!!!!! Don't tell me you don't see sickness and disease as a result of sin, whether directly or indirectly. We receive blessings from others can we not receive curses? It takes over you body!!!! You find yourself doing things that we know doggone well is not Christlike. Yet if you have Christ in you, when you think no one knows of the sins you commit your not by yourself there are 4 of you there. You, and the Holy Trinity.
Romans 7: 24-25
I've tried everything and nothing helps. I'm at the end of my rope. Is there no one who can do anything for me? Isn't that the real question?
The answer, thank God, is that Jesus Christ can and does. He acted to set things right in this life of contradictions where I want to serve God with all my heart and mind, but am pulled by the influence of sin to do something totally different.
I have added the wonderful writings of my sister Keya to this blog. I plan to add her devotionals because they are so uplifing and encouraging that I felt the need to share this blessing. God bless her and please pray for her, we must continue to uplift each other. Be blessed!!!!
Reach Out and Touch
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Luke 8:43-48 and Mark 5:25-34: The Woman with the Issue of Blood. Here we see a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years (v. 43). One can only imagine how many doctors she had been to regarding her condition or how dirty and alone she must have felt. I'm sure she had heard about Jesus and His miraculous healing powers. One day she sees Him and knows that this may be her only chance. She struggles through the crowd-"If I can only touch Him", she thought. After much pushing and shoving, she does touch Jesus and is immediately healed (v. 44). Jesus immediately knows that someone has touched Him (v. 46). The woman kneels before Jesus trembling and afraid. She tells Jesus her whole story and He is moved by her act of faith. In fact He tells her that her faith has restored her to health (v. 47-48). This is a story about faith, healing and restoration; a perfect example that faith really can move mountains, so to speak. Many Christians suffer with various "issues" just like this woman. What we must remember is that when the world says I CAN'T, Jesus says I CAN and I WILL. I encourage everyone to live by faith and let faith be your guide. Faith will lead you to Jesus Christ. Jesus is compassionate and He will heal you, whatever your "issue" may be. Always remember when in doubt, reach out and touch...
~Keya L. Hunt
Reach Out and Touch
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Luke 8:43-48 and Mark 5:25-34: The Woman with the Issue of Blood. Here we see a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years (v. 43). One can only imagine how many doctors she had been to regarding her condition or how dirty and alone she must have felt. I'm sure she had heard about Jesus and His miraculous healing powers. One day she sees Him and knows that this may be her only chance. She struggles through the crowd-"If I can only touch Him", she thought. After much pushing and shoving, she does touch Jesus and is immediately healed (v. 44). Jesus immediately knows that someone has touched Him (v. 46). The woman kneels before Jesus trembling and afraid. She tells Jesus her whole story and He is moved by her act of faith. In fact He tells her that her faith has restored her to health (v. 47-48). This is a story about faith, healing and restoration; a perfect example that faith really can move mountains, so to speak. Many Christians suffer with various "issues" just like this woman. What we must remember is that when the world says I CAN'T, Jesus says I CAN and I WILL. I encourage everyone to live by faith and let faith be your guide. Faith will lead you to Jesus Christ. Jesus is compassionate and He will heal you, whatever your "issue" may be. Always remember when in doubt, reach out and touch...
~Keya L. Hunt
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
God's Glory
This blog is being written to show the awesome power of God. How he can take any situation and grant grace. I need for everyone who reads this to understand where you have been in order to understand where you going. God has a plan for you in the midst of whatever storm your in, when it comes to storms we are either in one, coming out of one or headed into one. The most valuable lesson I have learned throughout all of those things which the enemy wish to have me bound up with was that God is still a God of love. You will see God's love running rampant in all of the things we endured. Be blessed. Don't be afraid to ask question or further a discussion.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Breakin the cycle
See we had traditional Xmas, well traditional to us @ 4951. The night before Xmas was DEC. 26 or sometimes the Monday after Xmas. Why!?!?!? Check Day!!!! It wasn't always the 1st and 15th for you check. There was a time where it was just the 1st. If you have any kind of habit, you have more money going out then coming in. So if a check was coming on Dec. 15 you know you have 9 days before Xmas, yet you know if you have a habit. Your thinking I got a check coming the day after Xmas........my kids love me and I love my habit too. Which one will I chose? Yep!!!! There were times when Xmas was on the 26th or any day after. Chairs, doors or whatever else was decorated like a Xmas tree. That was our tradition. That My Mom was the Black Macgyver she could make nothing into anything (more on this later). Till this day that chair was the best looking tree I have seen. For all you who are looking for a mate or trying to figure out who to be with, God has given the measuring stick, female looking for a male your Dad, male looking for female you Mom's. Believe it is fail proof. Yep she is like my Mom, strong, hardheaded, creative, gets
on my last nerve, says things to you that no one else in this world could get away with, loves you harder, when they are not feeling well your not feeling well, they are hurt you want to hurt who hurt them and most of all when they are not around your lost. I know I am not the only one that when the phone rings I want the caller id to say Norland Bailey or Bernadette Bailey.
Let me hit you with this I have had times where i didn't call people on the holidays because I felt like I was being unfair because i couldn't call them. When I first moved to Coatesville after leaving Philly (Sorry Girls for Leaving Y'all!!!! Love you!!!) I wasn't used to the lifestyle, having a phone, electricity,.....etc. So the material things overwhelmed me. I asked Dana and Amir if I could called Aunt Pam, Mom. Dana paused for a moment, and said If I wanted to I could but just be sure. I never did do it though. Candi I ain't knockin you Sis, I love you for you courage. I didn't do it because I was scared. Whoa!!!! Couldn't lose two if you feel me. I didn't start grieving I mean really grieving until I was in my 20's. I had to leave Coatesville and go back in order to grieve.
WOW!!!! The devil had me so bound up in my past that I could not even enjoy the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. See what we don't see or want to see is when we act like the past didn't happen the devil has victory. For me not to acknowledge what has taken place lets the enemy feel like it still has a hold on me. I got to stand up and say I WANT IT ALL BACK!!!! Everything that you took from me.......my past mistakes.........my joy.........my self-esteem........MY FAMILY..........yes I have forgiven all those who wronged me and i am ready to move forward, let me ask this if i am ready to move forward shouldn't I be able to talk about those things that have been thru. ITS CALLED A TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!! For years the past has interfered in everything I was involved in, from my relationships to how I looked at myself. The past has a way of trapping us in a box. You could have forgiven everyone who has done you wrong that's just opening the flaps on the box and peeking your head out. NO LONGER WILL I BE IN THE BOX. This family was given its ministry on 7th street. Tell me who we cannot Minister to, tell me who I cannot identify with, family issues I got them, issues with self I got them, anger issues I got them, issues with the opposite sex I had them, addiction I had them and through the God's grace and magnified mercy and through Jesus stripes I AM HEALED!!!!!!! There ain't nothing that I can go through in the future that God has not prepared us for, come on now!!!!!! God tests and the devil tempts. God will not test you on things on he has not already covered. NO POP QUIZZES!!!!!!!
on my last nerve, says things to you that no one else in this world could get away with, loves you harder, when they are not feeling well your not feeling well, they are hurt you want to hurt who hurt them and most of all when they are not around your lost. I know I am not the only one that when the phone rings I want the caller id to say Norland Bailey or Bernadette Bailey.
Let me hit you with this I have had times where i didn't call people on the holidays because I felt like I was being unfair because i couldn't call them. When I first moved to Coatesville after leaving Philly (Sorry Girls for Leaving Y'all!!!! Love you!!!) I wasn't used to the lifestyle, having a phone, electricity,.....etc. So the material things overwhelmed me. I asked Dana and Amir if I could called Aunt Pam, Mom. Dana paused for a moment, and said If I wanted to I could but just be sure. I never did do it though. Candi I ain't knockin you Sis, I love you for you courage. I didn't do it because I was scared. Whoa!!!! Couldn't lose two if you feel me. I didn't start grieving I mean really grieving until I was in my 20's. I had to leave Coatesville and go back in order to grieve.
WOW!!!! The devil had me so bound up in my past that I could not even enjoy the birth of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. See what we don't see or want to see is when we act like the past didn't happen the devil has victory. For me not to acknowledge what has taken place lets the enemy feel like it still has a hold on me. I got to stand up and say I WANT IT ALL BACK!!!! Everything that you took from me.......my past mistakes.........my joy.........my self-esteem........MY FAMILY..........yes I have forgiven all those who wronged me and i am ready to move forward, let me ask this if i am ready to move forward shouldn't I be able to talk about those things that have been thru. ITS CALLED A TESTIMONY!!!!!!!!!!! For years the past has interfered in everything I was involved in, from my relationships to how I looked at myself. The past has a way of trapping us in a box. You could have forgiven everyone who has done you wrong that's just opening the flaps on the box and peeking your head out. NO LONGER WILL I BE IN THE BOX. This family was given its ministry on 7th street. Tell me who we cannot Minister to, tell me who I cannot identify with, family issues I got them, issues with self I got them, anger issues I got them, issues with the opposite sex I had them, addiction I had them and through the God's grace and magnified mercy and through Jesus stripes I AM HEALED!!!!!!! There ain't nothing that I can go through in the future that God has not prepared us for, come on now!!!!!! God tests and the devil tempts. God will not test you on things on he has not already covered. NO POP QUIZZES!!!!!!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
See the holidays had a way of making things worse for us. We were already broke, I don't know how but the holidays made us broker. There was not alot of Xmas trees, decorations or gifts for that matter. Kids were getting Cabbage patch dolls, G.I. Joe, and Transformers. We got dollar store toys before it was called Dollar store. There was no Xmas dinners being cooked. Wouldn't have worked on a hot plate.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Man this is the most difficault time of the year for me. I am getting better. It don't wipe me out like it used too. Tonight me and the fam our putting up the Xmas tree and decorating everything and I am having fun. Its a struggle because the enemy knows my weaknesses. No struggle No progress. I am not the same time for some new tricks!!!!!! More to come on this subject.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Robert Chadwick Ray
The smartest man I ever knew. I have so many thoughts of Chad that its crazy. Thoughts from Philly to Coatesville. I will share a few, I remember one time I got into a fight with this kid down the street from our house. I am not sure why I was fighting but I knew i had to. I beat this kid up, I am walking home in victory. I get inside the house and all of sudden there is a knock on the door and its this kids Dad and he grabs me by the shirt and starts yelling and screaming at me. Over the shoulder of this grown man I could see Chad hopping the banister's of the houses next to us. he was a couple of houses down playing chess with a older man. The man holding me didn't even realize Chad was coming until he felt Chad's hand around his throat. The man let me go and Chad whispered something in his ear, he let the man go and the man hurried down the street. Chad asked me if i was okay then when I said I was he told me to be careful and went back to his game. Every time I saw the man after that he went out of his way to speak to me. I wonder what Chad said to him, whatever he said it worked. You were watching over me then and I know you are watching over us now. 3 years ago I heard that you had gotten saved before you were killed, I was so happy. Thank you Jesus. Thanks Chad I miss you.
Free lunch
I used to look forward to the summer time. Not because we didn't have school. But because it was a guaranteed meal. I knew that me and my sisters would eat a meal at least once a day. now each block gave out different lunches. I few gave out lunches at different times, so sometimes we would have two meals. I would drag my sisters to these blocks, to make sure we ate. Thank you Jesus for free lunches.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Death has a way of stripping you down bare. I was 11 yo when my Mom was called home. Before she died she was on dialysis. Dialysis is where they hook you up to a machine and and take you blood in a continuos motion out of your body and do what your kidneys are supposed to do. Healthy kidneys clean the blood by filtering out extra water and wastes. They also make hormones that keep your bones strong and blood healthy. When both of your kidneys fail, your body holds fluid. Your blood pressure rises. Harmful wastes build up in your body. Your body doesn't make enough red blood cells. There would be a van that came and picked her up twice a week in order for her to go to receive treatment. I used to race the van to the hospitial in order to meet her there. I would sneak into the hospitial where she was, the nurses would feed me, they would give me little snacks. Lord bless those nurses please. I just didn't want her to be alone. How I made it through school? God's grace.
The first time I seen it done, it was a combination of hurt and anger. Hurt because my Mom had to go thru such treatment, anger because of the pain she had to endure. Yet she never complained. It was the beginning of the end, she lost so much weight. Seemed like she was just wasting away. She had a large open wound on the inside of her left thigh, I cleaned that wound 3 times a day. If you have ever made homeade biscuits of cut cookies, you know that you must take the cutter and press very firm in order to cut straight through the dough. If you don't it leaves a impression in the dough. This wound was cause by numerous injections into the same area. I wonder did she stop getting high once she started going to dialysis. This was a time when they did not test for HIV/AIDS.
The first time I seen it done, it was a combination of hurt and anger. Hurt because my Mom had to go thru such treatment, anger because of the pain she had to endure. Yet she never complained. It was the beginning of the end, she lost so much weight. Seemed like she was just wasting away. She had a large open wound on the inside of her left thigh, I cleaned that wound 3 times a day. If you have ever made homeade biscuits of cut cookies, you know that you must take the cutter and press very firm in order to cut straight through the dough. If you don't it leaves a impression in the dough. This wound was cause by numerous injections into the same area. I wonder did she stop getting high once she started going to dialysis. This was a time when they did not test for HIV/AIDS.
Not Twins but Life Partners
My Mom and Dad had 6 children, Mark the oldest, then Chad, then myself, follow by Keya, Candi and Emily. Each of us were a apart so it was like we were in pairs. Mark and Chad are a year apart, Me and Keya, and Candi and Emily. I see God in all of this, see in the situation we were in we needed a partner. This partnership was not exclusive it just meant that we had someone who is wow its hard to explain. On a police force you proably have hundreds of officers, members of the same team, some have partners yet they are still a member of the same team still. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!! Each one is so unique and play a vital role in our family. With the loss of Chad, it has left a MAJOR void!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The First Time
Listen this is taking me places I have not been in a long time. I never wanted to go back, the Lord has other plans. His will be done. This is by far the most difficult time of the year for me, i have struggle all my life with not just this holiday, but all holidays. I never had any reason to celebrate. Thank God for deliverance, I am able to relive the pain and it not wipe me out. Glory to God.
There were always groups of people coming to by the house to see my Dad. Soon as they would show up he would get dress very quickly and he would leave with them. I always noticed that my Mom would have a combination anxious and sadness, little did I know that understanding was right behind me. When my Dad would return they would head straight towards my parents bedroom and shut and lock the door. I did not know how to express my curiousity about what was taking place behind the close door. So I would knock on the door and ask a question I already knew the answer to, in hope that they would either stop what they were doing or include me. After sometime the door would be open..........wow this is tough.......and I would see everyone in the room in a half sleep half awake state everything would be funny.
One day while my parents were away, now this did not happen to often them being away. Usually on the first of the month, check day. While they were away I decided to see what was going on behind those doors. Now this is after years of that door being closed. I looked all around the room, in all the usual places under the bed, behind the dresser.....then I went to the closet. I had to stand on something to reach the top, I couldn't see what was up there but i could reach it. I swept my hand across and brushed somethings, the thing I remember the most was the syringe. The effects that syringe has had on my life. It has taken so many things away from me, me not liking to have blood drawn has nothing to do with the feeling of the syringe on the outside but the pain it and rememberance of what it has cost me. I never asked my parents about it. It became the secret that we all knew but never talked about. I HATE SECRETS!!!!!
I am sorry we should have talked about it. I should have done more. What could I have done? Jesus I was so young, yet you had feel such pain........Thank You Jesus.
There were always groups of people coming to by the house to see my Dad. Soon as they would show up he would get dress very quickly and he would leave with them. I always noticed that my Mom would have a combination anxious and sadness, little did I know that understanding was right behind me. When my Dad would return they would head straight towards my parents bedroom and shut and lock the door. I did not know how to express my curiousity about what was taking place behind the close door. So I would knock on the door and ask a question I already knew the answer to, in hope that they would either stop what they were doing or include me. After sometime the door would be open..........wow this is tough.......and I would see everyone in the room in a half sleep half awake state everything would be funny.
One day while my parents were away, now this did not happen to often them being away. Usually on the first of the month, check day. While they were away I decided to see what was going on behind those doors. Now this is after years of that door being closed. I looked all around the room, in all the usual places under the bed, behind the dresser.....then I went to the closet. I had to stand on something to reach the top, I couldn't see what was up there but i could reach it. I swept my hand across and brushed somethings, the thing I remember the most was the syringe. The effects that syringe has had on my life. It has taken so many things away from me, me not liking to have blood drawn has nothing to do with the feeling of the syringe on the outside but the pain it and rememberance of what it has cost me. I never asked my parents about it. It became the secret that we all knew but never talked about. I HATE SECRETS!!!!!
I am sorry we should have talked about it. I should have done more. What could I have done? Jesus I was so young, yet you had feel such pain........Thank You Jesus.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Beginning Continued......
I grew up where everything was a hot commodity. Meaning everyone I knew had electricity, heat, telephone and countless other device. I remeber being at my Aunt Pam's house and hearing the telephone ring, and wondering what a strange noise. 4951 7th street was its own planet or universe. Everytime you stepped out the door you felt like you were in another world. In side my house lived two adult drug addicts and six children. I remember first finding out that my parents were on drugs.........there would be these white people who would come down to our house there were some there just about everyday, some were nice others not as nice. Let me explain this point to you there were six children in this house who were hungry and cold, and some of these people never gave us a kind word or a look for that matter. Revelation!!!! This is the birthplace of my difficulties with white people. Thank you Jesus for that revelation.....now its time for some healing I need to go and ask for forgiveness.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
The Beginning continued
See you have to have some background on where i have been in order to understand where I am at or where i am headed. Just me talking about where I have been, or what i have been thru was very hard. Now it makes me rejoice, and say THANK YOU JESUS!!!! For you brought me thru. Man if you ever need a something to rejoice about or your having a hard time seeing God, look back at where you were, and what mountains he carried you over. I don't know about you but there have been somethings that I just knew i would never overcome. Yet he has brought me thru, All Glory be to God.
There are certain things in my past that i know I have blocked out. Blocking out memories is a defense mechanaism. Blocked out memories usually are memories of hurts, loss, or countless other negative memories. Its your minds way of protecting you. The mind is more powerful then you think.
I dig deep into myself not just for myself but for all of you. As hard as this may be to read, understand the complexity of me writing it.
Testimony generally involves outward profession of faith or of personal religious experience.This is my testimony.
I was born in Coatesville Pa. I did most of my growing in Philly. I am the son of Bernadette and Norland. Most people called them Moochie and Slim.
There are certain things in my past that i know I have blocked out. Blocking out memories is a defense mechanaism. Blocked out memories usually are memories of hurts, loss, or countless other negative memories. Its your minds way of protecting you. The mind is more powerful then you think.
I dig deep into myself not just for myself but for all of you. As hard as this may be to read, understand the complexity of me writing it.
Testimony generally involves outward profession of faith or of personal religious experience.This is my testimony.
I was born in Coatesville Pa. I did most of my growing in Philly. I am the son of Bernadette and Norland. Most people called them Moochie and Slim.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The beginning
What is this ministry? When it comes to ministry, I beleive God places us in a ministry that he has delivered us from. Now of course this is not the format of God. There is no format for God. There many guarantees. I have a tendancy to jump from topic to topic just bear with me. I have to give some background on myself, talking about myself is proably my least favoraite thing to do, I love myself I don't accept complements very well. I will fight for any and everybody but I will be last on the list. I was a rebel without a cause, now I am rebel with cross. From a very young age I found myself in constant trouble. Now I was not what they call mischievous, I saw a need and I would look for any and every way to fullfill that need. Breaking whatever rule or law it took to get it done. In the midst of conflict or struggle there is noone better. The vision I was given by God for this ministry is to reach those who feel lost, lonely, and that they have to take things in thier own hands.
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