Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I stumble across this I believe it is very true!!!!!!

There are three things that drive us from childhood--unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. These things do send up powerful drives that demand some kind of answers and release. We end up building strongholds, acquiring physical possessions, developing wrong relationships, moving into wrong life styles, adopting wrong attitudes, building personality facades that are not true, all in an attempt to cope with the force of these inner drives. The only true release we will ever get from them is by loosing, stripping, and severing (using the binding and loosing prayers) our souls' holds upon all of our wrong beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and deception about these inner drives. This voluntarily clears a way for God to get to our previously layered-over, formerly self-protected unmet needs, unhealed hurts, and unresolved issues. He is the only one who can meet such deep needs, heal such powerful hurts, and answer the tough questions.
God will not break apart our self-defense systems, smashing and crashing into our secret (we think) hiding places to fix us. He asks us to voluntarily take down self-defense systems (ineffective as they are) and voluntarily expose our innermost wounds and needs to Him for healing and answers. We all need to recognize our need to trust God enough to get rid of all our self-protective, coping mechanisms and just stand before Him in complete vulnerability. We need to search and research the written Word that we might learn to have faith that He loves us and will do what is best for us. The word faith in the original Hebrew and Greek usually is described as trust and confidence in the goodness of God towards us. I believe that His goodness extends to every person who becomes a Christian.

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