Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spiritual Warfare: Belt of Truth

Stand therefore [hold your ground], having tightened the belt of truth around your loins. Eph. 6:14a

Lies--a subtle yet effective system of deep, dark deception.
Nearly every commerical gives us a glimpse into some body's idea of what happiness is all about.
The real secret to happiness isn't anywhere in prime-time entertainment, of course. the key to a fulfilled life has nothing to do with fast cars, revolving partners, or this year's fashions. Those are counterfeits with which the enemy and the flesh conspire to tempt us. The solution, the number one defense against this deception is to clothe ourselves in truth.

-To a soldier, girding up was essential. He would lift up that long robe and tuck it into his belt so that he could move freely. An unbuckled belt and a hanging robe would mean one of two things: being punished by superiors or having a severe disadvantage to his enemy. Either way, the consequences were grave. When the battle cry sounded, a soldier would lift his robe and tuck it into his belt, exposing his sword. This is also where his sword and shield were attached. The word (sword) and his shield )faith) hung from his belt (truth).
-The word truth in this passage means candor, sincerity and truthfulness. I t is rooted in the objective reality of the truth of God's Word. Here it refers to the subjective, practical application of openness and honesty in all things with God and people.
-We are accepted by Christ, we are redeemed through him, adopted into his family, and sealed with his Spirit. These things are foundational, and they have all been done for us. But putting on the belt of truth is our job. We are to train our minds to see God, ourselves, and others through the clear lens of what he says is true.
-We're honest with God, honest with ourselves, and honest with others. We're open when the Spirit of God speaks to us. We don't allow ourselves to be deceived, and we don't rationalize our sins away under the disguise of ignorance, relativity, or blame.
-Our first piece of armor is a direct defense against the enemy's number one tactic. Do you recall from Genesis 3 what his first attack was/ Deception. Satan was the crafty serpent, dressing up his lies to make them appealing and then whispering them into Eve's ear. Satan takes truth and twists it, making sin look appealing.
-We can go to church on Sunday's, read the word in the morning, pray our daily prayers, and still unconsciously let the media so infiltrate our thinking that we raise our kids just about the same way the world raises their kids and handle our money the same way the world does.

When we are deceived, we are deceived. We think we are right on target. we are convinced we are doing the right thing for the right reasons and with the right motives. Eve didn't bite the forbidden fruit while thinking to herself, This is really going to be bad news.

Satan's first attack was deception, and humanity's first response after sin was hiding, denial, and blame shifting. that hasn't changed much either has it? We are very creative blame shifters. We attribute our sinful reactions to difficult circumstances, a depressed economy, an unfaithful spouse, or anything or anyone other than ourselves.
The remedy is the belt of truth.
You don't just put on the belt of truth in a quiet time some morning or with a quick prayer in the car. It's a process. It comes through long, significant seasons of being with God, not out of duty but out of longing to hear his voice. it comes when we stop that uncomfortable lack of peace, that disquieting voice in the back of our minds, and refuse to cover it up. Our tendency is to put on a movie or turn on some music whenever we're alone because God's voice is easier to ignore that way. We don't like to hear it because we're being deceived.

1 comment:


The truth of the matter is that the truth hurts. It hurts so bad that we'd rather do anything than have to face it. After a conversation with my family on the way back home from VA, I was fine. I woke up the next morning, went to work refreshed, and came home. It wasn't until I found myself getting annoyed and angry during a phone call, that I sat back and thought maybe I wasn't okay. You see I received several phone calls that night but none of them were from the "right" person. Who was the right person? Well, it was someone who I wouldn't have to discuss my weekend with. I wouldn't have to discuss how I'm still hurt and to a certain extent, more damaged than what I realized. Nope, the "right" person exists in the here and now, no trips down memory lane would be required. So instead of having that quiet time with God, I was trying to fill the silence with people. That's my filler of choice.
See, I've begun this deconstruction process several times before but I always get to this crossroads and choose to be distracted. Yes, distraction is a choice. Distractions exist but you choose how you'll react to them. You can let them consume you and keep you off track or you can press no matter how much it hurts.

You know all about pain. No earthly pain can compare to what You felt when You were sacrificed on our behalf. We thank you for the shedding of Your blood because without it there would be no remission of our sins. Father God, the truth hurts. Unearthing the past is a painful process Lord. But it is necessary so that we may be made whole, useful tools for your kingdom. Help us to rely on You and no other for a cure. Remind us that You conquered all so that we might follow in Your footsteps. When it seems to much to bear, help us to caste our cares upon You who is able to bear all things.

In Jesus name I pray,