Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Double Dutch

God has a away of forcing you to take a look at certain things. Sometimes we try to leave certain things out of our lives unopened or unexamined.(Example) Lord I want you to help fight this lustful spirit, I have with looking at naked women, Lord I need you help with looking at women without clothes on because it makes me feel certain way. Lord I need you to help me with this girl or this guy because when they come around I get upset or I get mad. The problem with all this is because we don't take the time we need to look at the root of the issue, for every problem there is a beginning, for every solution there is a beginning, for every situation there is a beginning. Everything starts somewhere. In our family situation there are problems. I have been struggling in many different areas in my life, yet I did not know where the beginning of these struggles were. Or if I did know where the beginning was, did I want to go to the beginning to get the solution. Sometimes you have to go where you started in order to get the solution. My wife is a likes things to be clean, I on the other hand love organized chaos. It can be a mess yet I still know where things are, sometimes i feel if I pick it up and put it where it belongs I will forget where I put it, see I have become used to the chaos. In this chaos I feel like everything is order. When you lose something of importance, or you forget where you have put something. What you have to do is trace your steps. I came in here and put my jacket down or then I went over here.................You begin tracing your steps. What happens is to some people they don't trace their steps they stand in one spot and try to think of where they may have put these things instead of starting the search. Help me Holy Ghost!!! Why do these people stay in one spot because of experience. Stay with me on this. We all have lost somethings that needed to be found. There are times where you really need to be somewhere and you finding what you need to get you, there is something that's holding you back from you getting to where you need to go. Worry is the first emotion, you start worrying about missing your appointment, you really want to get to where your going so you start worrying. Then you start wondering if there is any other way of getting to where you need to go without doing a search. Oh maybe if I do this or do that, or maybe give this a try it can replace what I need to get there until I find what I am searching for when I search for it later. The big one is pain, this one comes in many different types of pain, depending on what you are searching for or more importantly where you are going. The more important it is the more pain.

Lets flip It!!!!!! (catch phrase)

There is a certain level of searching inside and outside to find what your looking for, you may have to dig thru some stuff, you might have to move some stuff, it always comes done to onething, you must start at the very beginning and walk thru where you been in order to find what you are searching for, that means you have to go thru the whole process. You might have to look in areas where you feel like it can't be in here. You may have to challenge some folk, you may have to challenge yourself, you may lose some people(everybody who starts with you may not be the ones who are suppose to go to war with you ask Gideon). Oh Jesus what you will gain will be such joy. Such a relief that all you can do is shout. Oh you are not searching alone. Have ever seen the people who are looking for something, yet they don't tell you what they are looking for but you can see them going thru the many layers of emotions. It reminds of watching the girls playing double dutch, now some of those girls could turn that rope so fast that you had to make sure where you jumped the girls would do the little dance getting ready back and fourth, back and fourth, because they didn't want that hard rope hit them in the face. That what it feels like watching someone looking for something, you have to becareful where you jump in, or you may get hit in the face. Then you ask them what they are searching for, most time you don't know where it is, but what happens is you get up and now there are two starting at the beginning looking so the odds are in your favor. The more you have looking the higher the odds of you finding it. There are those time where you ask people to help find what your looking for and they say I haven't seen it and keep doing what thier doing, oh how I love those people who say I seen what your looking for and its right here. Thank you Jesus!!!!!

I want to be one of those people who either help look or say it right here!!!! What about you!!!!!

Continue to pray for are families and friends. God Bless you and God Keep you.

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