Monday, December 4, 2006


I have added the wonderful writings of my sister Keya to this blog. I plan to add her devotionals because they are so uplifing and encouraging that I felt the need to share this blessing. God bless her and please pray for her, we must continue to uplift each other. Be blessed!!!!

Reach Out and Touch
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is found in Luke 8:43-48 and Mark 5:25-34: The Woman with the Issue of Blood. Here we see a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years (v. 43). One can only imagine how many doctors she had been to regarding her condition or how dirty and alone she must have felt. I'm sure she had heard about Jesus and His miraculous healing powers. One day she sees Him and knows that this may be her only chance. She struggles through the crowd-"If I can only touch Him", she thought. After much pushing and shoving, she does touch Jesus and is immediately healed (v. 44). Jesus immediately knows that someone has touched Him (v. 46). The woman kneels before Jesus trembling and afraid. She tells Jesus her whole story and He is moved by her act of faith. In fact He tells her that her faith has restored her to health (v. 47-48). This is a story about faith, healing and restoration; a perfect example that faith really can move mountains, so to speak. Many Christians suffer with various "issues" just like this woman. What we must remember is that when the world says I CAN'T, Jesus says I CAN and I WILL. I encourage everyone to live by faith and let faith be your guide. Faith will lead you to Jesus Christ. Jesus is compassionate and He will heal you, whatever your "issue" may be. Always remember when in doubt, reach out and touch...
~Keya L. Hunt

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