Guilt plays out in our lives in very warped ways. It is often the root of dysfunctional families, eating disorders, sexual addiction, and addictions to drugs and alcohol.
More subtly, though, it's just a whisper from the enemy that says. "You call yourself a Christian, but if anyone knew all the things you do-those secret sins behind closed doors, the way you hide your insecurities with clothes and surgeries, the emotional dysfunction you inflict on others-they'd keep their distance from you. A Christian? You'd be exposed as a fraud! God isn't going to hear your prayers. He isn't even going to take you back. You've failed him too many times." Guilt is a killer.
It doesn't take long for us to be smothered in condemnation. Condemnation is REAL. But so is forgiveness, and God's grace is greater not only than all our sin but also than all our guilt. Satan's first mode of attack was deception, but he follows it up with heavy doses of condemnation. And the second piece of armor we need to put in place will protect us from it perfectly.
"Breastplate of Righteousness"
A Roman breastplate was usually made of bronze, or if you were a more affluent soldier, chain mail. It covered the midsection and then some, from just below the neck to the thighs. And they called it a heart protector-for obvious reasons. It guarder the vital organ that keeps us alive. Would you dare go into battle without your heart covered?
Does righteousness means you may be tempted to give up if you think it means you have to become perfect before you can be protected, but don't give up just yet. No it means "uprightness, right living, integrity in one's lifestyle and character." It is a matter of conforming our will to God's will.
We can immerse ourselves in Scripture and spiritual fellowship all we want to, but if those things don't transform the way we live, they are practically useless. when God works his truth into our hearts, we are called to live it out 24/7.
When we fall into sin, the Holy Spirit will convict us and draw us through repentance and forgiveness back into fellowship with the Father. But satan will counterfeit the conviction with accusations. The breastplate of righteousness is essential when we have been honest with God, accepted his revealed will (belt of truth), and then put into practice what he told us. The condemnation comes, and we stand our ground and say, "That's a lie, Satan. I'm complete in Christ."
1 John 1:9
If I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive my sin and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.
Did you get that? ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!! Stand you ground because you believe what God tells you.
God does not want you to try harder, he wants you to apply the truth now, rely on the power you presently possess, and by faith put on the breastplate of righteousness.
An unprotected heart is asking for deep, life-threatening wounds.
If we aren't wearing the breastplate of righteousness, our hearts are being condemned by the enemy and our minds are being deceived. Instead of our lives reflecting the supernatural, winsome love and holiness of Jesus, we are religious people working hard to please God and impress people in our own strength.
James 4:17
"To the one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."
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