Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Keya's Devotional

So many times in life, I have made many excuses as to why my praise has been limited. At times, I have even tried to confine God to fit my ideal of who I think He should be. Upon further reflection and through the illumination of the Holy Spirit, I realize the God simply is! Being outside the realm of space and time, God is not bound by anything or anyone. He is with us through every moment of our lives. In Exodus 3:14, God tells Moses "I AM THAT I AM!" This one statement sums up everything that God is. It speaks of His infinite being and lets us know that He has no restrictions. What will you believe God for today? He has promised that He is and will be all that we need. Still don't believe? Lets take a look...
I am alive for evermore (Revelation 1:18)
I am Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13)
I am for you (Ezekiel 36:9)
I am God (Genesis 26:24)
I am God Almighty (Genesis 17:1)
I am gracious (Exodus 22:27)
I am He that comforteth you (Isaiah 51:12)
I am He that doth speak (Isaiah 52:6)
I am holy (I Peter 1:16)
I am merciful (Jeremiah 3:12)
I am the Lord (Leviticus 18:2)
I am the Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26)
I am the Lord that maketh all things (Isaiah 44:24)
I am thy exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1)
Speak these names into your spirit and allow God to work in and through you. Remember all that you fail to be, HE IS!
I am with you always (Matthew 28:20)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mapping my Journey

What Am I deeply attracted to and why? I love to see God. We may look at something and see a pile of dirt. He looks at it as dirt that is ripe for something to be planted. Life for most of us is a puzzle; we scramble around looking for the pieces and wondering where I fit. The problem is not where do fit, the problem is that there is a piece missing. That center piece that connects all the other pieces together. Now this puzzle of life is sense. I have all the pieces. The piece that needs straightening out is me. I am attracted to how he works, it amazes me. How he puts it all together. Knowing in the midst of all things He is right there!!!!!
Romans 8:28 We are assured and know that [ God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. (Amplified Bible)
Where do I feel God is calling me to stretch and grow? Three places, a deeper prayer life, more discipline study habits (the Word), and faith. Let me explain this, first I feel my prayer life is not as strong as it should be. Even if it was I would think that it was not. He is calling me to spend more time in his presence, not so much as talk but to listen. Being more discipline on my study habits, making sure that I not read it but that I live it (James 1:23). That it becomes my sword, for I do believe we are in midst of a battle. Speaking of battle that when I am in the midst of one or several that I don’t rely on myself, that I rely on the mighty power of God (Hebrews 11:1)
What kind of balance do I need in my life? I have been in the ministry for almost two years now. Honestly I have failed at balance. Horribly. For sometime I thought I was in this alone, God called me to do this and I am going to run with it. Not realizing what I was leaving behind, my wife and kids. That’s not God. I would wonder why I was all by myself. It’s because of the wall I had built and the hole that I had dug. It’s been a hard climb out. I am on my way up.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Spiritual Warfare: Breastplate of Righteousness

Some People spend their whole lives going to church because they would feel guilty if they didn't. They give money not because they long to be involved in eternal work and to bless people but because they know they are supposed to.

Guilt plays out in our lives in very warped ways. It is often the root of dysfunctional families, eating disorders, sexual addiction, and addictions to drugs and alcohol.

More subtly, though, it's just a whisper from the enemy that says. "You call yourself a Christian, but if anyone knew all the things you do-those secret sins behind closed doors, the way you hide your insecurities with clothes and surgeries, the emotional dysfunction you inflict on others-they'd keep their distance from you. A Christian? You'd be exposed as a fraud! God isn't going to hear your prayers. He isn't even going to take you back. You've failed him too many times." Guilt is a killer.
It doesn't take long for us to be smothered in condemnation. Condemnation is REAL. But so is forgiveness, and God's grace is greater not only than all our sin but also than all our guilt. Satan's first mode of attack was deception, but he follows it up with heavy doses of condemnation. And the second piece of armor we need to put in place will protect us from it perfectly.

"Breastplate of Righteousness"

A Roman breastplate was usually made of bronze, or if you were a more affluent soldier, chain mail. It covered the midsection and then some, from just below the neck to the thighs. And they called it a heart protector-for obvious reasons. It guarder the vital organ that keeps us alive. Would you dare go into battle without your heart covered?
Does righteousness means you may be tempted to give up if you think it means you have to become perfect before you can be protected, but don't give up just yet. No it means "uprightness, right living, integrity in one's lifestyle and character." It is a matter of conforming our will to God's will.

We can immerse ourselves in Scripture and spiritual fellowship all we want to, but if those things don't transform the way we live, they are practically useless. when God works his truth into our hearts, we are called to live it out 24/7.

When we fall into sin, the Holy Spirit will convict us and draw us through repentance and forgiveness back into fellowship with the Father. But satan will counterfeit the conviction with accusations. The breastplate of righteousness is essential when we have been honest with God, accepted his revealed will (belt of truth), and then put into practice what he told us. The condemnation comes, and we stand our ground and say, "That's a lie, Satan. I'm complete in Christ."
1 John 1:9
If I confess my sins, God is faithful and just to forgive my sin and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.

Did you get that? ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!!!! Stand you ground because you believe what God tells you.

God does not want you to try harder, he wants you to apply the truth now, rely on the power you presently possess, and by faith put on the breastplate of righteousness.

An unprotected heart is asking for deep, life-threatening wounds.

If we aren't wearing the breastplate of righteousness, our hearts are being condemned by the enemy and our minds are being deceived. Instead of our lives reflecting the supernatural, winsome love and holiness of Jesus, we are religious people working hard to please God and impress people in our own strength.

James 4:17

"To the one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Dear Dad

I look in the mirror and I see you. I hear myself talk and I hear you. I am not you. I will never be like you. I may have some of your qualities and characteristics, some good some bad. I am not you. I have your first name. I am not you. When I was young I wanted to be you. Before the I found the needles, before you slapping my Mom. The pictures I saw of you playing basketball. All the awards, all the trophies, all that talent. Wasted. We never played ball or went to the park for you to work on my game, you never gave me any tips on my jump shot, or how to work the pick and roll. You gave me your responsibilities. I became the provider, the comforter, the protector I was the Man. With every bag of heroin, out went my dreams, with every knot you tied to make your veins pop up, so your high could pop off, my hopes popped like a needle to a balloon. You never knew me. You never knew what I was, or what I was to become. You killed my childhood. I don't know how to forgive you. Don't know if I can, don't know if I want to. I look at you life as a waste.
I used to dream of seeing you, the things I always said i was going to do to you. For the pain you caused us. Selfish. I am a better man then you. I guess for that I can say thank you. Because you showed me what not to be. Don't get me wrong your boy ain't perfect, Lord knows that I struggle.

You didn't come to my wedding. I got married because of YOU!!!! I didn't want my daughter to grow up like me. I wanted her life to be stable. I don't even know how to explain to you how hard it was, coming home from school not knowing what was going to be going on, praying to God to let somebody come down to the house so you could go by them drugs, and make a couple of dollars so we could eat. So I wouldn't have to go knock on my friends door, and ask for money or food. Man, praying to God to have people come and die in order for us to eat. I can't keep holding on to this though. Nah none of this was my fault. I shouldn't have to had those nightmares or struggles with alcohol or relationships issues. Having the ability to cut people off like a light switch. Feeling the need to when my heart is pricked by word or deed of others to want to rip their hearts out. Having trust issues even now.

I guess I still got issues with you huh.......till next time.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Its been a while

I hope everyone had a blessed Xmas and wish everyone a happy New Year. I am very excited I will starting school here in two weeks.......I will be a college student...again. I am majoring in youth and family ministry. I feel this is where my calling lies. Pray for me.