Psalm 148:13 (NIV) states “Let them praise the name of the Lord, for HIS name alone is exalted.” The names of God are of utmost importance to the believer because when we study the Names of God, we will better understand who God is. Also, by having various names ascribed to Him, God is able to reveal Himself and His will to us as individuals and as a body of believers.
The Name Jehovah-Tsidkenu means Jehovah our Righteousness. The word Tsidkenu is derived from tsedek, which means righteousness. In its original form, it means stiff or straight. Tsidkenu is one of the most significant words mentioned in the Old Testament. The Word is used hundreds of times in Scriptures and appears as right, righteous, righteousness and also as just. Although human language is not able to fully convey the idea of righteousness, we can see it clearly exhibited in God’s acts, nature and character.
God is Himself perfect righteousness as the psalmist states in Psalm 129:4. The Righteousness of God is everlasting. Furthermore, righteousness and justice are the very foundation of God’s throne. Because man is born into sin (Psalm 51:5), we are completely unrighteous. Therefore man is not capable of rising to God’s standard of Righteousness. God who is perfectly righteous cannot overlook the lack of righteousness in man. Man must have righteousness or God cannot accept Him. The manifestation and provision of that righteousness of Jehovah, which alone can make men acceptable to God, was fully realized in the Lord Jesus Christ our Jehovah-Tsidkenu.
Jesus Christ proved Himself to be a righteous substitute in His person, Character and work. Christ was able to identify Himself with us so that he could truly represent us before God. It is only through Jesus Christ that our obligations to god have been met. Because Jesus is our Jehovah-Tsidkenu (Our Righteousness), He is distinct from us and is not involved in our guilt. And because Christ is one with the Father, His righteousness is the perfect manifestation of the righteousness of God. What man was unable to do for Himself, Christ did it by paying the penalty for sin in His death for us upon the Cross. Jesus Christ became “the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth.” (Romans 10:4)
God’s righteousness is freely given to everyone who believes and has faith. The effect of this free gift of righteousness to man should be that man is set on a path of righteousness “in conformity to His will whose ways are all righteousness, who loves righteousness and hates iniquity.” Believers are to put on the new man who is created in righteousness (Ephesians 4:24) and because we are made free from sin, we have become servants of righteousness. (Romans 6:18)
By shedding his precious blood on the cross, Jesus became our sin and gave us his righteousness, so in essence we can become his righteousness. Man alone is not righteous enough; the righteousness in which we must be clothed can be no other than the work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, man can come confidently into God’s presence clothed with the righteousness of Christ. The bondage of sin was broken by the pardoning righteousness of the cross.
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